Chairman Department of Mathematics
I follow in a line of remarkable leaders among them: Prof Odhiambo, Prof Owino (RIP), Dr. Hudson Were and most recently Prof. Patrick Weke. They had all faced this moment, each at a critical juncture in the departments’ history. Like myself today, they must have pondered what the years ahead would hold at the helm of this dynamic school. Each made important and lasting contributions to our common enterprise in upholding the department’s highest aspirations.
My predecessors astutely guided our department and defined ambitious agendas that have made the department truly indispensable to prosperity around the University. Let me take this opportunity to acknowledge the tremendous and adorable initiatives that were undertaken by my predecessors. Indeed, they are an inspiration, a challenge and an avenue for us to continue doing these great works that they began, I am certain though, that with this team that we have, we shall even do much better because I have faith in this team. Our debt to their courage and vision is immeasurable. I wish to particularly thank Prof. Weke, the outgoing Chairman for keeping the department high and I resolve to build upon his legacy. I will take time to consult widely on how best to proceed with our common agenda of reform and revitalization. I will listen attentively to your concerns, expectations and admonitions.
The road that we must pave toward a department of prosperity and dignity for all has many pitfalls. As your Chairman, I will make the most of the authority invested in my office by the University of Nairobi and the mandate you give me. I will work diligently to materialize our responsibility to spur our department to greater heights. I humbly request for your support and encouragement so that we may achieve all our set out goals. As the Department of Mathematics family, we shall make an indelible mark in the University history if we pull together.
Let us remember that we reform not to please others, but because we value what this department stands for. We reform because we believe in its future. To revitalize our common endeavor is to renew our faith not only in the UoN's programs and purposes but also in each other. We should demand more of ourselves as well as of our Department. To cut through the fog of mistrust is going to require more intensive dialogue. We cannot change everything at once. But if we choose wisely, and work together transparently, flexibly and honestly, progress in a few areas will lead to progress in many more. Only the Members of the Department can revitalize this great Department. I will always be there to assist and facilitate as needed.
As a Christian, I am a firm believer in the view that whatever we achieve in this world that is good and positive can only be done so with the abiding grace of God. To this end, please join with me in offering these few words of prayer to our heavenly Father in grateful thanks for the achievements of this Department so far and for further achievements in the days, months and years ahead. I pray for continued strength and direction in contributing my part, along with all of you, in making the Department of Mathematics, the best in the University of Nairobi and beyond. I am also reminded of those timeless words from the Bible in the book of Numbers Chapter 6 Verses 24-26 which I extend to all of you; “May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace’’
Prof. Stephen W. Luketero (PhD)
chairman, department of mathematics.